Assalammualaikum wbt..
minggu yg hectic. #eh.. hahhaa minggu test 2.. satu paper dah jawab.. it was Pathology. Guess what??? tak study pon. Arghh good job farah :3 result test satu teruk kot! sampai bila nk mainmain.. ermm actually bukan main. Yes bukan mainmain.. cuma diri sendiri ni, tk tenang. Stress.. sebab ape? sebab lelaki.. sounds stupid huh? aku mengaku. Buatpa nk stress pasai mereka.. mcm bengong jaa.. oklaa.. lets begin now..
Last month, i met someone. I didnt know him and he didnt know me either. And suddenly, he confessed that he fell in love with me for the first time. Seriously i cant believe it. Ni bukan zaman purba lagi, ke camne? Beriye nak ajak aku kawen.. he's 28 and im just 21. i was thinking, im still young to get married. Yes, too young! tak matang lagi. Hahaha he was like.. forcing me.. yes i feel like i hv been forced to marry him. No way man! let me decide what d best for my own future. Eventho aku sendiri tktau apa yg betul ape yg tak *ayat mcm budak belom mumayyiz* aku paham, dia punya umur.. hahaha must quick to get married. But, if he want to do so please pick up someone else. Not me, totally it shouldnt be me!
At the beginning, aku rase mcm wow! ade org ajak aku kawen. Im so excited! excited je, not more than that. Theres difference between excitation and acceptance. Get me guys? so please dont get misunderstand with my statement. Plus, and now. Everything changed! i dont hv intention to say this. But.. i should say it out loud!! its so.. aku tk suka.. the way he treat me. Aku tk suka.. wehh, we hv nothing laa. Just dont be too good to me. Plus, if now he cant understand my student life, how would he understand me after marriage?? tkkan nak msg 24 hrs. Please laa, aku ade kelas, ade assignment, ade aktivity ade itu ade ini! seriously, i cant take it anymore.. aku rase aku da beritahu yg aku tknak kawen time belajar. Yes im so sure, i hv told him already.. seriously aku rase aku dipaksa.. blerghhh :3
Tu satu masalah, and another one. Ade budak fakulti aku pon propose aku. Gilaa! semua serius.. but guys for your info. Im not ready to have any commitment as a wife.. yes i dont want to get married laa! muda lagi, masih nk enjoy. Masih jauh pjalanan nak kejar cita2..
the end. Hahaa
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